The Erebus Wiki


Everybody likes a good Minecraft tree, and everyone certainly has their favourite. The Erebus adds eight unique trees to Minecraft that grant a wide variety of wood tones and designs, as well as astounding shapes and magnificent appearances.

The Erebus also features vanilla Jungle, Birch and Acacia trees, but these are far from pretty compared to many of the Erebus' species. Anyway, enough doting over these trees, let's get into the thick of it.


The stout Asper tree spawns in both Underground Jungles and Subterranean Savannahs. Rarely exceeding 6 blocks in height, it is by far the shortest tree species from the Erebus.

Asper trees are nothing particularly special, and provide a very flat shade of green in terms of leaves. The logs are a lighter brown with a dark brown bark; fairly generic.

Planks provided by Asper trees take on a unique look, in that they have smaller planks in the texture, making it look more akin to hardwood used in modern-day housing in reality. It is a darker and warmer colour than both Mossbark and Spruce, giving an otherwise unremarkable tree the rather redeeming quality of very nice-looking planks.


The only Ulterior Outback exclusive, Balsam trees are a rare-and often welcoming-sight.

Being the only tree that can provide Tree Sap, Balsam trees are needed for many things, such as making Varnished Planks required by several more advanced Erebus constructions. They spawn around 13 blocks high, but can spawn higher.

Two of the defining features of a Balsam tree are the branches and the bark; the branches grow from around 3 blocks up all the way to the top, in an alternating stairway-like pattern, and the bark has the orange of leaking tree sap visible all through it. Breaking a Balsam log will grant the player a Resinless Balsam log and up to three Tree Sap.

Balsam wood cannot be made into much besides planks as of yet, and Balsam leaves look quite dry. The logs look fairly unremarkable once their sap is removed, but the planks take on a rich brown colour akin to Petrified Wood (which, technically, is a rock) but with far less red.


Baobabs are a fairly strange tree found solely in Subterranean Savannahs. They always spawn with four major branches on top, and grow around 16 blocks high. What makes them so unusual is their thickness; they sport a nine block thick trunk for one third, then it narrows to seven blocks, then one third from the top it narrows to a final five blocks. This makes them the thickest tree in the entire Erebus.

Baobabs are also capable of spawning in Giant variants, within which reside swarms of Tarantulas and a Tarantula Brood Mother. These trees spawn with eight major branches instead of four and feature four massive underground roots made of Baobab logs.

In regards to blocks, Baobabs provide greenish logs with pink bark that breaks down into greenish planks, as well as mild green leaves. There is speculation that they may provide fruit in the future.


Found only in Elysian Fields (and alongside vanilla Birch in the uber-rare variant, Elysian Forests), Cypress trees grow between 8 and 16 blocks high, with a spearhead-style leaf structure.

Cypress trees grant a very light set of green leaves, as well as white logs with light grey bark. These logs provide remarkably light planks-far lighter than even Birch planks, bordering on white (but, somehow, nowhere near as white as White Planks).


Eucalyptus trees spawn in Underground Jungles and the Ulterior Outback. They often spawn around 17 blocks high or taller, and feature a few branches.

These trees provide aqua leaves and a pink log with a grey bark, and as such provide pink planks and wooden items thereof. They are unique in that their Saplings must be placed on a Grass block in order to grow; they simply will not grow on Dirt.


Mahogany is an Underground Jungle exclusive tree that can grow up to-and possibly over-23 blocks high in a 2x2 pattern, and feature branches in a similar fashion to Eucalyptus trees. Often, Mahogany will spawn with some Thorns, which will eventually grow all over the trunk of the tree.

The leaves of a Mahogany tree are a broad, vibrant green, and the logs are a warm brown with dark grey bark. Such logs provide a warm brown plank, as would be expected.


A magnificent tree found exclusively in Submerged Swamps, the Marshwood grows up to around 13 blocks high, but spreads out across a 15x15 area!

Built with a leafless top but always with eight very large, overhanging branches, roots digging into the ground, Hanging Vines dangling from the leaf canopies and a trunk going from 7 to 5 to 3 blocks thick, Marshwood trees are a sight to behold.

Their curvy leaves are a rich, swampy green, and their logs deceive their planks; Marshwood logs seem unremarkable, with fairly normal wood and darker bark, but their planks are incredibly unique. Once turned into planks, Marshwood turns a deep, almost camouflage green, to match their swampy theme. They feature planks on the texture as wide as the bricks in Stone Bricks, but actually aren't a recoloured texture.

"Marshwood trees are my favourite Erebus tree by far." -TheRussianDragon


Mossbark trees are the second-and final-tree found exclusively in Underground Jungles. Almost always growing 12 blocks tall, Mossbarks don't have a defined trunk leading the entire way up to the leaf canopy; in fact, Mossbark trees split into four giant branches about halfway up their height.

Their leaves are a very deep green, and the trees provide Spruce-ish coloured logs with dark brown bark interspersed with-you guessed it-moss (but not Moss; the moss of a Mossbark is part of the texture and purely decorational). As the logs look very much like Spruce in terms of wood colour, Mossbark planks are also very Spruce-ish, but feature flecks of green throughout to symbolize the presence of moss deeper in the wood of the tree.

Bonus: Woods without a Tree[]

Several kinds of wood exist in the Erebus that don't come from a defined tree species as of yet. Those woods are described below.

Scorched Wood[]

The only kind of wood to be found in Volcanic Deserts, Scorched wood is unique in that it is a legitmately black wood; almost like black volcanic ash (which, logically, is fitting). It can be found in strange-looking spikes jutting up from the landscape that don't appear like any kind of tree in either vanilla Minecraft or in the Erebus. These spikes can be up to 10 blocks high.

It is unknown what species of tree these Scorched wood spikes came from, but it can be assumed that the particular variety of tree is now extinct.

Scorched planks inherit the rich dark colour of their wood and, just like the logs, are incapable of burning.

Rotten Wood[]

Found in both Submerged Swamps and Fungal Forests as part of giant hollow logs and stumps (including Jumping Spider Stumps), Rotten wood is generally looked down upon. However, it is quite useful and has some remarkable properties.

Rotten wood is the only wood capable of growing Moss and Mould, either cultivated or entirely natural. This makes it essential for a user of a Composter, as Mould is needed as fuel. Furthermore, it can spawn both Silverfish and Woodlice when broken; and can just as easily be replaced and broken again. This allows for farming of Woodlice in order to get sufficient Whetstone Powder for your needs.

Rotten logs don't look all that remarkable and-similar to Mossbark-appear to have moss in the texture. When broken down into planks, Rotten wood still looks slightly rotten and ends up darker than Dark Oak.

White Planks[]

Nobody is quite sure why White planks are around, but they are. They aren't spawned naturally, and can only be made by combining a plank of any variety with Bone Meal in a crafting grid. White planks are literally as white as White Wool.

Bamboo Planks[]

See more at Bamboo.

Varnished Planks[]

Quite possibly one of the best-looking types of planks in the entirety of Minecraft and its modding community, Varnished planks are superb in every way; including in their means of crafting. In order to craft Varnished planks, you'll need Repellent from Cicadas, Tree Sap from Balsam trees and Camouflage Powder from Chameleon Ticks or Praying Mantises.

However, the effort is well worth it. Once crafted, you're left with an amazingly clear and crisp plank that's fireproof and has a beautifully rich brown colour (think a nice milk chocolate). It takes considerable effort to build up a supply (thanks to the apparent rarity of Cicadas) as only one plank is made per set of plank-Repellent-Tree Sap-Camouflage Powder, but they are worth it for both the aesthetics and for crafting.

Yes, Varnished planks are required for crafting Composters, Silos and Adventurer's Armchairs. Have fun getting enough Repellent-I know I have.


  • None of the Erebus' trees have transparent leaf textures-yet.
  • As much as it has been stated that Erebus plants can only grow in the dark, every variant of tree can successfully be grown in broad daylight in the Overworld. This has been confirmed as intentional by vadis365, as "we all love new trees for our Overworld bases".
  • All Erebus trees grow from a single Sapling. For most trees, the Sapling occupies the bottommost central block of the tree's trunk, but for Mahogany trees, it occupies the North-Western corner. Be wary when growing a Baobab; you will get stuck in the trunk if you use Bone Meal or Compost.
  • All Erebus trees can, according to Dave (vadis365), be grown with a single Bone Meal/Compost, but this is due for a change in future versions. This assumes the tree has sufficient space, however; with insufficient space, the tree won't grow regardless of how much Bone Meal/Compost you use.