The Erebus Wiki
Praying Mantis
Health Points 25 (FullHeart x 12 + HalfHeart)
Attack Strength 4 (FullHeartFullHeart)
Drops 0-3 Camouflage Powder
First Appearance 0.1.2


Mantises spawn solely in Underground Jungles . Praying Mantises have the ability to blend into their environment and ambush their enemies, making them deadly. However, as soon as they run up to their target, they reveal themselves, making them easier to kill. They inflict two hearts of damage per hit.

How does this make them deadly? They tend to spawn in groups of three or four. Enjoy.

When killed, they drop Camouflage Powder .


  • The Praying Mantis sound is based on the Predator.

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