The Erebus Wiki

Welcome to the Erebus wiki! Where oversized bugs are a big thing... If you are new to the mod, or just looking to learn more about the Erebus, you've come to the right place.

This wiki has just undergone a one-person overhaul over the course of a week. It is now at an acceptable level for informational value. Enjoy! -TheRussianDragon

Tutorial: Travelling to the Erebus[]

Erebus portal activated

Activated Erebus Portal with Gaean Keystone and Staff of Gaea.

Materials Required: x12 stone bricks, x4 leaves (any tree)

Setup: Build a frame for the Erebus portal vertically with the stone bricks, similar to the basic nether portal structure. (Note: The minimum size for an Erebus portal is with a 2x2 space in the center, however the example here is built the same size as a nether portal and requires x14 stone bricks and x6 leaves). Once your stone bricks are placed, place the leaves inside the frame.

Next, build a Gaean Keystone and place it 7 blocks from your portal (6 blocks between the portal and the keystone). Build two (TWO! this is very important otherwise you will be unable to return to the Overworld easily!) Staffs of Gaea. Right click the keystone with the staff to activate the portal. Step inside and you'll be in Erebus!

Returning: To return to the Overworld, place the second staff in the Gaean Keystone located just outside the portal in Erebus.


All the blocks currently available in the Erebus. Blocks that can be made into bricks, planks etc. Can be found on the source block's page (e.g., Amber Bricks can be found on the Amber Block page). For Altars, please see the Magical Items section below.

Adventurer's Armchair | Amber Block | Antlion Egg | Block o' Bones | Composter | ErebusCo. Smoothie-matic 2000 | Force Field | Fossil Ore | Ghost SandGneiss | Hollow Acacia Log | Honey Comb | Redgem | Silk Block | Umbercobble (Mossy, Webbed) | Umberfurnace | Umberstone | Jade Ore (Jade Block) | Mirbrick | Mucus Bomb | Mud | Petal Block | Petrified Wood (Crafting Table, Chest) | Preserved Block | Quicksand | Reinforced Exoskeleton Block | Stem Block | Swamp Gas Vent | Tarantula Egg | Temple Brick | Velocity Block (Lightning Speed Block) | Wasp Nest Block

Plant Life[]

Mushrooms: Dark Capped | Dutch Cap | Glowshroom | Grandma's Shoes | High Capped | Kaizer's Fingers | Mould | Sarcastic Czech | Tangled Stalk | Terpsishroom


Altar Fragment | Amber Star | Anti-Venom (Anti-Venom Bottle) | Ant Pheromones | Bamboo (Shoot, Bambucket) | Beetle Juice | Beetle Riding Kit | Bioluminescence | Bio-Velocity (Supernatural Velocity) | Bog Maw Root | Bone Shard | Camouflage Powder | Compound Eyes (Goggle Lens) | Compost | Elastic Fibre | Empty Smoothie Glass | Exoskeleton Plate (Reinforced) | Flower Bulbs | Glowing Gem | Glowing Jar | Herbicide | Honey Drip | Hydrofuge | Idols | Insect Wings (Glider Wings) | Jade | Jar o'Honey | Magma Crawler Eye | Mushroom Hide | Nectar (Collector) | Papyrus | Petrified Wood | Poison Gland | Redgem | Repellent (Water, Insect) | Rhino Beetle Plate (Rhino Beetle Horn) | Scorpion Pincer | Stag Beetle Mandibles | Stew Pot | Tree Sap | Wasp Sting | Weeping Blue Bell Petal | Wither Web | Woodlouse Ball | Zombie Ant Plate

Gear and Special Weapons[]

Augmented Scorpion Pincer | Caveman's Club | Exoskeleton Gear (Reinforced) | Jade Gear | Maximum Speed Bow | Quake Hammer | Rhino Plate Gear | Rolled Up Newspaper | Special Gear | Wasp Dagger | Wasp Sword | Web Slinger (Wither Web Slinger)


Bamboo Soup | Beetle Larva (Larvae on a Stick) | Cabbage | Dark Fruit | Grasshopper Leg | Heartberries | Heart of the Stag | Honey Sandwich | Honey Treat | Life Blood | Melonade (Sparkly) | Prickly Pear | Smoothies | Swampberries | Tarantula Leg | Titan Chop | Titan Stew | Turnip


Animated Block | IconAntlionSmall Antlion ( Trove Guardian ) | IconBee Bee  | IconBeetleSmall Beetle | IconBeetleLarvaSmall Beetle Larva | BlackAnt Black Ant | IconBlackWidowSmall Black Widow | Blood Snail | BogMaw Bog Maw | BombardierBeetle Bombardier Beetle | IconBotFlySmall Botfly ( Larva ) | IconCentipedeSmall Centipede | Chameleon Tick | Cicada-0 Cicada | IconCropWeevil Crop Weevil | Crushling | IconCrushroom Crushroom | Dragonfly Dragonfly | IconFireAntSmall Fire Ant | IconFirebrat Firebrat | Fly | IconGlowWormSmall Glowworm |IconGrasshopperSmall Grasshopper ( IconLocustSmall Locust ) | HoneypotAnt Honeypot AntIconJumpingSpiderSmall Jumping Spider | Lava Web Spider | Leech | Magma Crawler | MidgeSwarm Midge Swarm | Money Spider |   IconMosquitoSmall Mosquito | IconMothSmall Moth | WaterSkater Pond Skater | IconPrayingMantisSmall Praying Mantis | IconPunchroom Punchroom | RhinoBeetle 0 Rhinoceros Beetle | IconScorpionSmall Scorpion | IconScytodesSmall Scytodes | IconSolifugeSmall Solifuge | StagBeetle Stag Beetle | Swamp Wisp | IconTarantulaSmall Tarantula ( Baby ) | TitanBeetle Titan Beetle | IconWaspSmall Wasp ( Hornet of Despair ) | Umbergolem ( Idol Guardian ) | IconVelvetWorm  Velvet Worm  | Woodlouse Woodlouse | ZombieAnt Zombie Ant


There are currently three bosses present within the Erebus. Check out their pages here:

Antlion Overlord | Crushroom | Tarantula Brood Mother

Terrain And Dungeons[]


Antlion Overlord Pyramid | Antlion Pit | Dragonfly Lilypads | Giant Baobab Tree | Jumping Spider Stumps | Scytode Dungeons | Wasp Nests


Elysian Fields (Elysian Forest) | Fungal Forest | Submerged Swamp | Subterranean Savannah | Ulterior Outback | Underground Jungle | Volcanic Desert

Magical Items[]

Altars | Artifacts of Taming (Bee Pendant | Beetle Amulet | Ant Medallion) | Block Extractor | Block o' Bones Compass | Gaean Gem | Gaean Keystone | Homing and Advanced Homing Beecons | Horn of the Swarm | Staff of Gaea | Umbergolem Statue (Parts) | Wand of Animation | Wand of Preservation | Whetstone (Powder)


Firebrat (possibility of a return)
