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Magma Crawler
[[File:{{{Image}}}|Magma Crawler|{{{Image_Size}}}]]
Health Points 20 (FullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeart)
Attack Strength 4 (FullHeartFullHeart)
Drops 1 Magma Crawler Eye


Magma Crawlers are small, six-legged little critters found in Antlion Overlord Pyramids . They serve no purpose other than to increase the dungeon difficulty and to provide Magma Crawler Eyes for the Antlion Overlord Pyramid internal puzzle.

Eight eyes are required for one part of the puzzle; be sure to stock up. The eyes serve no other purpose at this time.

Magma Crawlers have a neat trick up their metaphorical sleeve, however; they are capable of crawling on walls and ceilings, unlike any other mob in the game (unless you have a mod that provides similar).

Animated BlockAntlion (Trove Guardian) • Ants (Black AntFire AntHoneypot AntZombie Ant) • BeeBeetle (Beetle LarvaBombardier BeetleRhinoceros Beetle Stag BeetleTitan Beetle) • Blood SnailBog MawCentipedeChameleon TickCicadaCrop WeevilCrushlingFlies (Botfly (Larva) • DragonflyFly) • GlowwormGrasshopper (Locust) • LeechMagma CrawlerMidge SwarmMosquitoMothPond SkaterPraying MantisPunchroomScorpionSolifugeSpiders (Black WidowJumping SpiderLava Web SpiderMoney SpiderScytodesTarantula (Baby)) • Swamp WispWasp (Hornet of Despair) • Umbergolem ( Idol Guardian) • Velvet WormWoodlouse