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Crop Weevil
Crop Weevil
Health Points 15 (FullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeartFullHeartHalfHeart)
Drops 0-3 random Seeds (except Dark Fruit Seeds)

0-3 random colour Flower Bulb
0-3 Cocoa Beans

Rare Drops 1 random crop (Turnip, Wheat, possibly others)


Crop Weevils are passive mobs found in Elysian Fields. When confronted with a player, they will turn and run as quickly as they can, similarly to Woodlice.

When killed, they drop random items, as seen in the Mob Box to the right.

Animated BlockAntlion (Trove Guardian) • Ants (Black AntFire AntHoneypot AntZombie Ant) • BeeBeetle (Beetle LarvaBombardier BeetleRhinoceros Beetle Stag BeetleTitan Beetle) • Blood SnailBog MawCentipedeChameleon TickCicadaCrop WeevilCrushlingFlies (Botfly (Larva) • DragonflyFly) • GlowwormGrasshopper (Locust) • LeechMagma CrawlerMidge SwarmMosquitoMothPond SkaterPraying MantisPunchroomScorpionSolifugeSpiders (Black WidowJumping SpiderLava Web SpiderMoney SpiderScytodesTarantula (Baby)) • Swamp WispWasp (Hornet of Despair) • Umbergolem ( Idol Guardian) • Velvet WormWoodlouse