The Erebus Wiki
Health Points 5 (FullHeartFullHeartHalfHeart)
Drops 0-2 Repellent


Cicadas are a passive, very hard-to-spot mob found only in Elysian Fields . They are the sole source of Repellent in the Erebus and as such are necessary to craft anything requiring it (eg, Water Repellent for Water Striders , Varnished Planks for a Composter , etc.).

When a player gets within ~5 blocks of one, they emit a ghastly noise, pushing the player back and inflicting 7 seconds of Blindness and Nausea. During this period, they fly a short distance to a new spot. This means that Cicadas can only be killed with ranged weaponry, as a player will be unable to hit a moving Cicada whilst blind.

Animated BlockAntlion (Trove Guardian) • Ants (Black AntFire AntHoneypot AntZombie Ant) • BeeBeetle (Beetle LarvaBombardier BeetleRhinoceros Beetle Stag BeetleTitan Beetle) • Blood SnailBog MawCentipedeChameleon TickCicadaCrop WeevilCrushlingFlies (Botfly (Larva) • DragonflyFly) • GlowwormGrasshopper (Locust) • LeechMagma CrawlerMidge SwarmMosquitoMothPond SkaterPraying MantisPunchroomScorpionSolifugeSpiders (Black WidowJumping SpiderLava Web SpiderMoney SpiderScytodesTarantula (Baby)) • Swamp WispWasp (Hornet of Despair) • Umbergolem ( Idol Guardian) • Velvet WormWoodlouse