The Erebus Wiki
Health Points 30 (FullHeart x 15)
Attack Strength 4 (FullHeartFullHeart)
Drops 0-2 Nectar (Wild), Entire Inventory (Tame)
First Appearance 0.2pre1


Bees are neutral land/flying mobs that spawn in the Elysian Fields . These creatures are very similar to Wasps but have a much friendlier nature.

Bee Usage[]

Bees make very good "workers" for their hives in real life. Thanks to the Erebus mod, you can tame and use Bees in Minecraft!

By right-clicking a Honey Comb with the Bee Pendant and then right-clicking a bee, you have just tamed a bee! Worker Bees will produce Nectar by pollinating nearby giant flowers stigma and will never stray too far from the Honey Comb. Tame Bees will also add any Nectar to the inventory of the Honey Comb. By right clicking on a new Honey Comb with the Bee Pendant, you can program bees to go to the new location. This means you can have Bees and Honey Combs in several locations or even move already tame Bees to a new Honey Comb.

They will defend themselves against Wasps and will attack the player if provoked. They hit for 4 (2 hearts) twice per second if provoked, but do not inflict Poison.

Ironically or fittingly, they have 50% more health than a normal Wasp , but cannot inflict Poison. This may have been intentional for balancing reasons.

Animated BlockAntlion (Trove Guardian) • Ants (Black AntFire AntHoneypot AntZombie Ant) • BeeBeetle (Beetle LarvaBombardier BeetleRhinoceros Beetle Stag BeetleTitan Beetle) • Blood SnailBog MawCentipedeChameleon TickCicadaCrop WeevilCrushlingFlies (Botfly (Larva) • DragonflyFly) • GlowwormGrasshopper (Locust) • LeechMagma CrawlerMidge SwarmMosquitoMothPond SkaterPraying MantisPunchroomScorpionSolifugeSpiders (Black WidowJumping SpiderLava Web SpiderMoney SpiderScytodesTarantula (Baby)) • Swamp WispWasp (Hornet of Despair) • Umbergolem ( Idol Guardian) • Velvet WormWoodlouse